Quit smoking Apps

20 to Quit Best smoking app 1.0
Quit smoking
Thanks to 20toquit app it has helped thousandsof smokers cut down or quit with there smoking habits. It startsassisting you from the first day you use app and results can beseen straight away.20 to quit assists you in cutting down. It helpsyou break habit, change your smoking routine, and saves you moneyfrom the first day you start to use it. It also saves you yourhealth from day 1 with 20toquit.By using 20toquit, you get to time your cigarettes, so that yousmoke only when the notification alerts you or the light is greenin the home page.20 to quit helps you cut down and make it easier to finally giveup.The cut Down to Stop is an approach that's clinically proven tohelp you reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, compared towillpower alone, making it easier to quit smoking when you'reready.20 to quit doesn't tell you to stop straight away. It simply trainsyou to say “No, not at the minute” and when you get your alert youcan then have a cigarette. It’s really a self training exercise forsmokers.20 to quit helps you to break habits by telling you when you havereached your target time since your last cigarette. You can alsocheck and see how long it has being since your last cigarette andhow long is left until your next cigarette. It's easier for you togive up slowly and train yourself to say “No, not at the minute”,and eventually gets you to the stage that you can say “No” forgood.20 to quit starts you off slowly by cutting down each day andeventually giving you the power to give them up completely.If you feel like you're going to give in to your tobacco craving,look at your 20 to quit app and see how long you have left untilyour next cigarette and then do something to distract yourself forthat period of time. This simple trick may be enough to derail yourtobacco craving.The time will automatically change each day, so the time betweencigarettes is longer and then you eventually get to the stage whereyou really can say that you want no more and can give up forgood.You can also change the timer to manual settings if your happy tocut down to a certain amount, or if you want to cut down faster orslower all this can be done in the manual settings within thesettings page.Some people are happy to just cut down which can also be done with20 to Quit.